Friday, August 12, 2005


Since coming up with any originial thoughts of my own is difficult at this point, i will quote something from one of my favorite books, Mastry Through Accomplishment. I hope Murshid won't mind. I also want to comment on responsibility. Responsibility for me is following the line of potential into what ever and where ever it leads. I've learned through trial and error that my judgement isn't always on target. I've learned that discernment is necessary. I've also learned to take responsibility for my own actions, thoughts and feelings. Ouch. No one to blame but myself, and no pity parties (well, not too many, anyways). And, oh yes, it's responsible to be fun and have fun...responsibly. or not.

...."There is another point of view from which to look at it: that man may become great by his responsibility. And at the same time he may fall, for there is a stumbling block: the more conscious man becomes of his responsibility, the less he recognizes the power of wisdom which is working beside him. It is because of this that at this time of materialism there are great personalities who accomplish many things, and yet in the end they show their limitation. This limitation comes from being drowned in the responsibility they have taken upon themselves and from having forgotten God, the other power that is working beside them."...


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