Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Week In Review and Miera's Case

This week is not finished yet, but it seems like enough has happened to warrant a review.
1. The kids went back to school. Max started middle school, and Sam started 3rd grade.
2. Tuesday the proverbial "shit hit the fan" with Sam and football. He doesn't want to play, he "ran away" from the team, and as a consequence for not being able to continue his commitment to play for the next two months, i've taken away the t.v. indefinitely. He thinks it's for a year.
3. I got about 1/2 of my hair cut off. No, not half of my head! Anyways, the girls at girls nite out thought it was "kinky", no, not "kinky", "kicky?" no, something else. I'll remember later...
4. I found out that i am hostessing Daniel's classes while he is here in Atlanta over Labor Day weekend. When i see this in writing, i will know that it's final.
4. I'm cooking dinner tonite and invited my parents, and Sam's present will be delivered later. That worked out. whew.
5. I just got off the phone with my friend, Miera, who had invited me to the sweat lodge. I was calling to RSVP to her dance party, Saturday nite.

This is probably why i am really writing, because i'm inextricably tied into this. personally, perhaps professionally. how this turns out? i don't know.

Here's the story:
Miera and her husband got a divorce several years ago. She has two beautiful, lovely girls who live with her. Always have. Now, their dad is remarried and wants to take the girls away from Miera, saying she is unfit. This really has me in knots. Miera is one of my tantrika friends. She bellydances and is a massage therapist. She has a wonderful personality and a unique way of being and expressing herself, which I find beautiful. Her ex is telling the court she is unfit because she had a boyfriend who occasionally slept over. There is another part to the story, which I don't feel at liberty to divulge here, but suffice it to say that he is holding a discretely made, personal, adult choice, against her. This too, is a choice that i would support Miera for in court. I don't see where these choices have anything to do with the way she raises her children. They have a lovely home, clothes, and are very comfortable.

I have been involved since the get-go. I wrote a letter on Miera's behalf and brought it to the bank and had it notarized. I essentially told her that i was willing to fight on her behalf. By doing this, i essentially took responsibility to go the distance with her, even if it means being subpoenaed and getting up and taking oaths to protect what i consider Personal Freedom.
This week, i received a call from the Court person who is handling the case from the children's perspective. I answered the questions I was asked. It was evident that the woman on the other line couldn't conceive that we would go to a birthday party/sweat lodge. Yes, sweats can be dangerous. This one wasn't, nor would it have been, even if the girls had decided to part take (which they didn't). In my conversation with Miera today, i tried to hold space for us. Tuesday night, Sam told me that he didn't want to go live with John, their dad. He told me that his dad had said that I wasn't strict enough. He would fight in court to take Sam away from me if I couldn't control Sam better. I just want what's right for Sam. If it means going to his dad, than so be it. I don't think so after hearing that. I'm right there with Miera. I will go down fighting.

She's writing letters, I'm writing the blog. Thanks Miera, for giving me permission to Rant our cases on the blog.


At 6:49 AM, Blogger molly said...

The word was "sassy" for the hair. Yes, sassy. The consensus was, "that old boyfriend is going to be sorry after he sees you with that new hairdo". They're silly, but made me feel good. We were getting together for Bunko & Bushwackers, but ended up playing something else.

Also, it's interesting that when i confronted my ex with the comments Sam had shared, that he first denied them, and then said, "well, maybe i did say that, but i didn't mean it". My drama is NOTHING compared to Miera's, but it is still reflecting in my personal world.


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