Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Little of This, A Little of That

I know, i know...
sometimes sitting down to let the words just spew out when i don't really have anything very intellectual or pressing that needs to get put down and out - seems rather a waste of time. However, since i haven't posted in a couple of days, and my fingers are feeling itchy, i guess it's time to share a few tidbits.

Yesterday, I laughed a lot. it was a very good thing. First, one of my bookmarked blogs reminded me of another blogging friend, and his flame tricks. Benjamin Garth, can you improvise to do THIS?. It gave me the giggles all day.

On another note, i had the nicest IM chat i think i've ever had yesterday. Actually, i had two. In both cases, the men i were IMing with are highly intelligent, verbally competent and generally made my day and evening so much sweeter. Thank you!

Yesterday was filled with other good things. It doesn't take much to make me happy, but a good bargain will almost always make me feel fulfilled in a way that's hard to explain. I have been most fortunate to have been invited to not one, but two halloween parties. Yes, they are dress-up, too! Of course, i have been a witch so many times over the past years, i felt that i needed a change. The old graduation robe and hat won't cut it for these par-tays. So, since i had already perused Party City with my kids (they found what they wanted there)...i headed to my virtual shopping spot, E-bay. I had spent considerable time looking for the past couple of days and yesterday morning happened to log-in and waa-laa. i found a perfect something just for me! I watched and waited and the heavens were smiling...i was the ONLY bidder and found myself the WINNER of this perfect something at the perfect price.

I hope my luck continues onward from this moment forward. I have an interview today - keep your fingers crossed for me, please. And, this weekend i'll be selling my wares (jewelry) down at the Candler Park Festival. Again, if any of you gentle readers have any influence upon the weather, we're hoping for no heavy downpours.

That's all for now...


At 8:39 AM, Blogger Ben Mack said...

I can't flame like that!!! Not to the best of my knowledge, but that's a great idea for a stunt.

Thanks for the meme!

Benjamin garth mack


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