Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Corpse Bride - What Kind of Love Is This?

This week, thanks to Gov. Perdue, my kids had a four-day weekend. I was fortunate enough to have some playmates for them...and we all went to the movies to see The Corpse Bride.

Although i wasn't enthralled with the movie, it portrayed a lot of different ideas about marriage and love in a very short time! The hero and earthly heroine are destined for a marriage of convenience. As fate would have it, they have an affinity towards each other immediately. The movie plot twists and turns and the hero ends up on the "other side" with another-world bride. Even though the hero resists this turn of fate, he begins to see the luminous part of his underworld betrothed, and agrees to marry her. As the movie progresses, the hero finds himself in a bind, having to keep his word to two different women in two different worlds. I won't give away the rest of the movie, but suffice it to say, it made me feel something deep within.

So, the issue arises about why people get married - historically and today. Love, in all it's guises and the idea of love beyond the earthly plane. Also, how integrity and responsibility create tension and depth in matter if the intention is monogamous, transmutes to polyamorous, and then moves on into the unconditional flow of what is.


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