Thursday, September 08, 2005

Enlightenment and Diksha

Last night, i went with a couple of my friends to see Freddie & Madeline (, here in Atlanta for the first time. They are a couple who are traveling the world to give talks about their path to enlightenment and to give diksha, which is an energy transference.

As i sat there in the audience, i felt a disagreement with the seemingly superficial way Freddie explained and expressed their enlightenment process. Their experience of enlightenment was notated down to a day and time. There was a sense that there was a difficulty in discerning between a peak experience and enlightenment. However, as the talk progressed, i reviewed my inner critic, and decided that everyone was entitled to have their own experience and that perhaps i was being more than a little harsh in judging theirs.

My own vision of enlightenment as a process doesn't stop with some peak experience. It continues and grows with each experience, peak or valley. It is not some magical portal, but rather an awareness of what is possible. However, i know that there have been instances which people reach a state they term enlightenment in one moment. In all due respect, Freddie & Madeline are definitely on a very nice path of enlightenment. They travel the world, feeling good, and giving permission to others to feel good, too. I needed some of that yesterday, and it worked!

It was explained that the Diksha they were giving us were like seeds. They would grow and blossom in each person differently. Given to each individual in the session, with a reiki-type laying of hands on the crown of the head and then again as an intention. During the next few days while they are in Atlanta, people have the opportunity to receive more Dikshas. I was impressed that they were offering this gift at a most reasonable price, compared to so many other new-age, self-proclaimed gurus. If i didn't have my kids in tow all weekend, i would consider spending the day with them.

It's seems so easy to reach a state of nirvana when one is blessed with the opportunity to sit and contemplate all day, every day. What can really go wrong in that? The trick for me, is how to achieve a state of peace while going about my daily round. Two kids, a business which isn't showing any profit at the moment, and other types of interrelatedness with others that form friction.

I did recognize the impact of the Diksha that i received. It has helped in some way that is virtually indefinable. I feel less prone to pain. Over the past few days, after spending a day with my old lover and his ex wife, i have been feeling a lot of pain. Physical, emotional and etheric. I was open to having that Diksha, or energy transfer, to help me find more peace and detachment. We'll see how it goes today.


At 4:28 PM, Blogger molly said...

Hey Darian,
thanks for the comment...what happened to your blog? hope all is well...and you are finding bliss. :)


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