Friday, August 26, 2005

15 Minute Miracle

My mom got an idea for a 15- minute miracle. These mini-miracles are when someone has 15 extra minutes and they pick a "project" and clean it up. My house is messy. 15-minute miracles like this work, but i don't do them often enough.

I have about 15 minutes right now. I'm thinking, should i clean or write. Write.

Here's what i would do if i could have 15 minutes as President of the United States. I do not want this job, however. Just 15 minutes of suggestions that would put into effect:

1. August is International Holiday month. A "house swap" for a week during August would help Americans appreciate other cultures and their own. It could be suggested to choose a different country or two to visit each year, especially countries where English is not spoken.

2. Change the uniforms of our soldiers. Maybe their shoes are too tight. They don't look happy. Maybe putting them in jeans and t-shirts and teaching them how to build with mortar instead of destroying with mortar would give Americans a better rap in foreign countries.

3. Buy more land for conservation and National Parks. Ted Turner can do it. So can we.

4. Teach and allow 10 minutes of silent meditation each day in school. Teach yoga, tai chi or some sort of stretching and breathing in gym classes.

My 15 minutes is up. My house is in a constant state of entropy....time to clean up a little.


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