Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Something Doesn't Feel Right

I'm supposed to be getting ready for dinner with my family.
Something doesn't feel quite right.
Maybe it's me.
It's my parent's anniversary. My siblings decided at the last minute to get them a nice digital camera for a present. . . but they decided without me. Okay, i'm okay with that...mostly.

My brother is in from LA. I thought he would be more laid back than he has been. I'm sure traveling can be stressful. I know it can be for me. Yesterday i spent the day making lasagna dinner for everyone. It took hours to get everything done. The table conversation was stressful. I hope tonight we can having meaningful conversation that is dialed down a few notches on the stress-o-meter. My parents are taking us to one of the best restaurants in the city tonight. I'm supposed to wear "the bracelet". It's one of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry i've ever seen. Better than what's in Harry Winston's NY store. I know. I went to look in the store last summer.

My outlook on the whole scenario is layered - and therefore somewhat conflicted. One part of me is excited to be dressing up and going out to a restaurant that has provided some of the most enjoyable meals i have ever experienced. Nice. Celebrating my parent's marriage of 45 years. Extra nice. Maybe that's all there has to be. But, on the other hand, it's extravagant. And there are so many people out there who don't have anything.
.....and i'm not sure if i'll enjoy myself if i have to walk on eggshells and bite my tongue.

Tonight, my friend Joanna is having conversation cinema at her store. It's a movie i'd like to see, but i won't be able to go. sometimes being my authentic self is easier with friends than with my family. i wonder why that is.


At 10:01 PM, Blogger molly said...

Sometimes i worry for no reason, and sometimes i have reason to worry. Tonights dinner was a memorable one, for sure. There was a time when some of us (my sister and i, particularly) laughed so hard, my dad thought we were going to wet our pants. No...that didn't happen. We were laughing so hard because Newt Gingrich and his family sat down at the table next to us. We were hoping (out loud) that our brother, Brian, wouldn't hop over to the table and give Newt a piece (peace) of his mind. Luckily, Bri was on his best behaviour - and Sara was holding onto his leg under the table! My other brother, Herbie, actually went to college with Newt's daughter, who was there. My mom wanted him to get up and say hello. My sister and i were laughing so hard, because my mom was remembering (out loud) about Newt's daughter's wedding day...unbelievable. Mom said Herb had attended the wedding, Herb said no. Mom said, "well then, you worked the wedding." We laughed so hard it was frightening. Brian thinks Newt heard the whole thing. Of course, not to be outdone, my sister is on speaking terms with Barbara Bush. Well, she was until they almost had a little collision in Meserve's parking lot. Oh well. Anyways, there was a lot of talk about 41, 43, and Bill (Clinton). I was praying that it wouldn't escalate into a stressful multi-table conversation. Luckily, it didn't, and we were able to have fun celebrating my parent's anniversary. Whew.


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