Sunday, April 15, 2007


Sometimes when I have too much time to think, I wonder what type of person I am going to be. The most fear I have is that I won't make enough of a difference; that my life will be a reflection of the mediocrity that our society creates, instead of the majesty of nature.

I would choose to be a reflection of the majesty and creativity of nature instead of the middle-of-the-road constructions of our current society. To this end, I am hoping to spend some time in the garden this spring and summer. I'd rather eat plain, beautiful organic veggies instead of the stuff from the fast food places that my children prefer.

Fighting the feelings of mediocrity in other aspects of my life can wear me down. I'd like to think that I have enough energy to raise children who are above the throngs who thrive on mediocrity. Setting an example doesn't seem to cut it. Peer pressure and societal pressure is rampant. In recent articles and news items, parents, and mothers in particular, are being singled out as being responsible for their children's behaviour, diet, and exercise. In one case, social services was threatening to take the child into custody because they didn't think the mother was feeding the child a diet that was healthy and appropriate. Do they point the figure at themselves for supporting a society that has fast food restaurants on every corner? Sometimes I look at my situation and feel that there's only so much one can do. Surrendering to what is doesn't seem appropriate. Pushing for change can be exhausting. As with my spiritual endeavors, perhaps keeping an ideal, or goal in mind is a good answer.

Finding a balance is where I hope to be and stay.