Saturday, December 22, 2007


I know there is a word, dramatization, which refers to a genre of movies, television, etc. However, I have noticed more and more of people who are afflicted with their daily life drama to the point that they are non-functioning or low-functioning. I have felt myself moving towards this place of pain more than once, and it isn't pretty.

Dramatized. Totally traumatized by the drama is one's life. To reduce the effects of being dramatized, I would suggest the following:

1. Look at yourself. Use witness consciousness to give yourself the bigger picture.

2. Use faith. Understandably, there are those of us who wonder if this does any good, but try it anyways. Creative visualization of a greater power who is there to help share the burden.

3. Think about predetermination. Even if you don't believe in it, perhaps it will let you off the hook of grandly thinking that you have any control over others and their situation.

4. Look for the door or the window. You came in through it, you can go out through it (sometimes).

5. Relax. Einstein got his best thoughts relaxing. He figured out complex mathematical and theoretical problems. You can too.

My own experience with these methods is that they help. Some of them help more in certain situations than others. They may work for you or your friends. Maybe I just needed to remind myself so I can be compassionate towards myself and others as we face the drama that each day seems to bring. Perhaps it's a test to see how we deal with it. Who knows.

I don't think we were put here on earth to suffer anymore than we need to to get to the point where we realize we have so much to be thankful and grateful for. Taking on the suffering of others doesn't really seem to help them or me at all. As an empathetic person, it has taken me awhile to learn to keep my feelings separate from others so that they can go through whatever they need to in order to learn whatever they need to learn. I don't have to go through it with them, and I don't have to fix them.

It's the holidays, enjoy yourself!