Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Spiritual Writing with Carl McColeman

I signed up and attended the first of five writing classes last night. Our first in-class assignment was to spend a few minutes and i'll share what i did here. We were asked to write about...

"If you are to have a conversation with your voice, what would it say"

me: Tell me what you'd like to express

Voice: Well, you're asking for a lot, but there's more than you've drempt(ed) possible. This voice can go on for hours and what of what might be expressed will be very triggering to you and others.

me: would you consider that a healing mechanism?

Voice: Well, yes, of course. It can be and will be and has been very healing. It can be a good outlet for vindictive thoughts or other culturally non-supported venturings into an altered way of expression and thinking.

me: What purpose would there be?

Voice: There doesn't have to be a purpose. It can just be. For now,

me: Would it be like an unfolding?

Voice: Even giving it that would presupposed an outcome, where having voice or giving voice an outlet doesn't necessarily have a purpose that you or anyone else can validate.

me: Is there a chance that I could publish the musing that come from or are emitted by letter the voice speak?

Voice: Well, yes, there are unlimited possibilities and as i said- it could be beyond your wildest dreams.

me: I just had the impression of other being with me helping these voice out - or adding to that voice.

Voice: When you use the voice - that could be true. It could be an externallization of an internal dialogue that some people may refer to as out-side agents.

me: Are they outside or inside?

Voice: It doesn't matter. It's the same One.

me: That sounds like a belief structure.

Voice: The beliefs you have will or can be changed by allowing the Voice to be heard or write.

me: Should I share this?

(end of allotted writing time)


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