Thursday, January 19, 2006

Ten Minutes

I have ten minutes to write this morning. i wrote some last night, but that was in one of my diaries. I have several books that i write in. Just as background, i have several notebooks full of writings...several notebooks on dreaming and dreams that i've had. Not every dream, but some of them. I also have a notebook full of paper with words on it from when i did the Artist's Way during my divorce. i did that writing exercise to help myself recover from that divorce. Then, i have one or two books of gratitude. I did those writing exercises from doing Simple Abundance. I had to think of at least five things that i was grateful for every day. That helped me go from The Artist's Way, when i was sighing on each and every page and deep in despair and depression and in recuperation from a breakdown. Looking back i, i know i had to do it...meaning, i had to get the divorce to be a healthier person, but making that decision and actually following through with it caused innumerable pains.

However, the Simple Abundance writing practice helped me get back up. I was able to write down all of the doom and gloom and then practice writing happy, or at least grateful things. Not of the things i am grateful for are happy things. For instance, some of my hardest lessons have not been the most happy ones, but i am grateful for them nonetheless. They have made me into the person i am today. My perception is that it's a stronger, more self-assured, and definitely more self-reliant and resilient me. Hopefully, i've been able to do that without incurring the armoring that goes along with the knocks that life imparts.

So, i've written for about half the time. The goal is to just keep writing and see what comes out. Sometimes i think it just flows from the fingers, other times, it just is inside and is ready to come out. I'm really enjoying reading my bath book, Writing Down The Bones. It's good stuff.

I'm looking forward to this weekend, but it seems like with my new job, i don't have the time i need to complete and even continue projects that i have. I am woefully behind on my Cherag writing, and hope that this writing exercise will inspire me to finish that project quickly. I have not been able to sit down and make jewelry since the holidays. I used to get a lot of pleasure from doing that. Now, it seems, there just isn't enough time. I had plans to paint Sam's bedroom. Now, i'm wondering if i should just hire someone to get it done, although i think it would be a great project for us to do together. The time just slips away....

Speaking of time, i'm just about up for my ten minute writing session. Next is a quick shower, get Max on the bus, call Joanna and sit in morning meditation for 10-20 minutes and then go to work.


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