Friday, February 03, 2006


The work week is over - well almost. i have my other job(s) to work on this doesn't seem to end, not with my heating bill at $333 last month. yikes. i might have to advertise for a roommate. Well, that probably wouldn't work right now, but maybe i just need to sell a little more jewelry along w/the day job. ebay, i might have to do ebay.

Dinner w/the folks tonight was good. shrimp stirfry.

i don't know if i have a lot to write tonight, but as i was coming home, i was thinking about trying a new writing venue. I read about picking cafes, or other places to sit and write. Now, i've been into some Starbucks and Caribous here that look promising - except that everyone seems to be surreptitiously looking at everyone else....and they don't seem to get up and move around much. Like i might have to go early and stake out a seat, or something. i think some of my local cafes are like that - but the one in buckhead seems that way. it seems almost like a club, and i should have a laptop if i want to fit in. plus, i might find myself staring at the fire a lot. space cowgirl.

Well, it's a thought. Once i sat at a cafe - and i think it was a starbucks - a couple of years ago and wrote an outline for a class that i came up with during one of my marathon baths. It is called Spiritual Communication - and i think i robbed ideas from a few of the seminars i had gone to and put them together as an interactive class on communication. So far, i haven't had the opportunity to try to teach it. Plus, it's a couple of years old now...maybe someday it will come in handy and come out of hibernation.

Sometimes i get my best design ideas in the shower. My clients like jewelry that they can retail under 40. Coming up with designs in semi-precious stones, pearls & swarovski crystal and sterling for under 40 can be a challenge. Unfortunately, it seems as though the competition has gotten the better of me lately. I have to get some new stuff done and photographed soon for the spring show applications.

I get some interesting ideas w/water. Maybe that's why i've been jones-ing for a hottub.


At 3:23 PM, Blogger Darrell Grizzle said...

The Spiritual Communication class sounds like a great idea!

Writing in coffee houses can be good or bad, depending on the coffee house. The chains like Starbucks and Caribou tend to have loud music and limited seating. I'm lucky; I have a great coffee house 2 miles from my home (Cool Beans, on Marietta Square) where I've been able to do quite a bit of writing and reading.

BTW, I've added a link to your blog at my Blog of the Grateful Bear (in the left margin, under "Atlanta Friends with Blogs").


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