Monday, September 26, 2005

Treatise on Love - Part III - Inquiry on Partnerships

Tonight i was visiting with a friend who is very knowledgeable about different types of relationships. We were discussing some of the finer points of polyamory and monogamy, among other things.

Love takes on many forms and meaning for everyone. On our journey through life, the questions of who to love and when come up repeatedly. Some of my very good friends consider themselves polyamorous. They have numerous concurrent relationships. Sometimes it seems like it works very well, and other times, there seems to be just as much angst as any other type of relationship configuration. Polyamory seems to flow into whatever form someone wants it to be - if it's not monogamous, the better word to describe it is polyamory. From my vantage point, as the observer, it seems as though the key ingredient here is communication, and knowing oneself and consideration of others.

In the Native American tradition there is a Tantric practice called Quodoushka. The philosophy is that there is a wheel of relationship possibilities. There is monogamy, polyamory, free dancing, and celibacy. During my life, i've had experiences with all of these types of relationship configurations, albeit sometimes without being conscious of what i was doing or not having a very comprehensive self knowledge.

Each expression of relationship has it's lessons, and it's parallel to what our current society deems as "normal". Some people question the validity of lesbian and homosexual relationships, as a type of love partnership. In my estimation, each one is a valid expression of love, no matter how our current society categorizes it.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Treatise on Love- Part II - Finding Love Outside of Ourselves

Almost all of my life i have looked for Love outside of myself.
Yep. Looking for validation and completion from someone or something outside of myself. That doesn't seem like a difficult thing, but i've learned that it didn't complete me the way i thought it would.

As a child, i looked for love from my parents, teachers, friends, siblings and pets, too. Sometimes the most comforting love was from my grandparents or my pets. Somehow, my grandparents didn't have many ideas of how i was supposed to be. They seemed to love me no matter what, and always had or made time for me.

As a child and young teen, i had friends, loved music and singing, art and still spend a lot of time with my grandparents. As an older teen, i looked for love more from friends, and made the switch from friendship-type love to sexual, boyfriend-type love. This was harder to manage. I had expectations, and it seemed that everyone had their own agenda. There seemed to be more rules, especially about giving and receiving love. There was a fairy-tale notion of love that i had read about growing up, and for some reason, thought was real and true. Now that i've studied that, perhaps it's not a very healthy notion to take into adolescence. The old Hans Christen Andersen tales of princesses and happy-ever-after seemed to have taken hold of my thought process. There was a fantasy that i wanted to play out.

In Women Who Run With The Wolves, fairy-tales are taken to another level, and the ideas of moving through stages of development (maiden, adult, crone), and looking at characters as archetypes, seems more realistic and healthy.

As i grew older, love took on another meaning. In my twenties, i wanted to get married and have children. Love then, was finding someone with the same interests and objectives, and perhaps more materialistic or ego-centric. Creating a space in my life for that type of love has been a very interesting and on-going, unfoldment of life. There is a place where i have had to be the unconditional giver...and i still found that i had expectations - that my children would love me back if i loved them.

Divorce, and the end of a loving relationship was devastating for me. I had built my life and persona around an ideal - one i realized came from the outside, based upon ideas and objectives that society had put into place for me. After that, i really began delving into what love was (or wasn't) through study, observation and experience. This has moved me from a place love from an external source to a place where i can find love inside myself as well.

There was a time in childhood and recently, when i looked to the Divine for love. I seem to find the best expression of this in nature, now.

The essence of love as an energy instead of an emotion is the most recent aspect of love that i have been addressing in my personal life. Part of this has been seeing energy, or Chi, as a loving energy available in everything. Also, finding myself in a place of empowerment to make decisions based in self-love - or finding love inside one's self, which will be another post.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Creation - Another Form of Love

These pictures offer me inspiration and hope.
Creation taking place in our universe.
Possibilities being created each moment.
Look HERE and HERE

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Treatise on Love - Part I - The Underbelly

Aahh, love. What a loaded word. Too bad there aren't as many words in the English language to describe the full range of uses for this four letter word as there are in the Eskimo language for another four letter word, snow!

Seriously, after many years of exploration of the word through experiences of all of the senses, it seems appropriate to write down some of my interpretations, examples, and perception nuances of it. I suppose that my intention of doing so will expand the consciousness of others and explore my own boundaries with creative consciousness.

So many times, i have been in judgment about how people loved me. Not understanding the full exposure of what the power of the energy of love is, and it's goal to be the ultimate energy for growth, evolution, and expansion. As i read somewhere, "We ask for Love, but, if we only knew what that really meant". Rumi said something like, "love is the strongest evolutionary force." I am probably misquoting that, but that's what's sticking in my mind. My interpretation is that Love, whether it feels good or not, helps us to achieve a higher form of evolution.

Another thought is that all forms of love are actually stepping stones towards Divine love. When i questioned myself about that, my internal response was that yes, through basest forms of lust, desire, and eventually love, our souls seek the experience of unconditional love as humans, and then Divine love, or at-one-ness.

One of the most difficult aspects of looking at love objectively, is the many forms it may take. For example, the exploitation of children. Children are initiated and exploited at very young ages to be the object of lust and desire. There are so many ways in which this is acted out in society. Some of the most twisted versions of love, like pedophilia, seems to have always been in existence historically. Through the use of the internet and other modes of technology, this exploitation, an example of an aspect of desire, has become more prevalent and even more accepted. In part, it is my belief that this is true from the standpoint that people have become numbed to what is happening via media, through repeated stimulation of violence and sex. Although government has sought to inhibit child pornography, prostitution, and slavery, it continues to exist here and elsewhere in the world. Many people choose to ignore or can't fathom this type of love, and they don't see it eventhough they may be blatantly confronted with it. It doesn't fit into their concept of what is real.

According to The National Alert Registry, one in three girls and one in six boys stand to be the victims of sexual abuse. There are 11 known child molesters living in my zip code. Moreover, along with all of the Katrina victims, there are many more ex-convicts who have not "checked in" with the authorities in the districts where they have relocated. This is only part of what is happening throughout the world. It has been my experience, speaking with my friends, that many of us know someone or have experienced ourselves, the aspect of love in the form of incest and/or rape. Not a subject most people want to talk about and confront, unless they are taking steps to heal themselves. It has been well documented that many of the perpetrators are victims themselves, acting out their own abuse on others. It has been my observation that people who actively confront and deal with their own experiences of abuse and incest are most likely to stop the continuation of those behaviors towards others...Perhaps an example of evolution through conscious awareness.

There are many other more socially acceptable forms of love on the path to divine love that i will describe in future posts.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I haven't done too much research myself on sustainability, but i have been introduced to some of the ideas, and people who are vastly more knowledgeable than myself.

A few of my classmates from Dartmouth are interested in sustainability, and the last class newsletter was about various classmates who are involved in various aspects of it. One of my classmates considers, "a sustainable future is one where people (including individuals, companies, governments) are acting and planning in a way that considers the impact of our decisions several generations into the future."

Unfortunately, from my point of view, the world is not in a position to consider sustainability as a whole. Fortunately, though, there are pockets of conscious individuals, small companies and communities creating their own ripple effect towards this end. Sustainability, in my mind, starts by being conscious of one's consumption. Moreover, it can pertain to taking action to help the environment repair itself. In Kabbalah, the notion of Tikkun Olam, repair of the world, has various levels of meaning. Sustainability, for me, is one category of Tikkun Olam.

The concept of sustainable communities is another subject i would like to delve into at some point. There are many planned communities popping up all over. One of the biggest ones, East Lake Commons, is here in Atlanta. Most of these conscious communities encourage environmentalism and awareness, not to mention community. East Lake Commons boasts a 5 acre organic garden and lots of other community benefits.

On one of my sojourns to North Carolina, i was introduced to an interesting man, whose main vision is connecting people interested in sustainability and international cooperation. Michael Lightweaver of Mountain Light Sanctuary is a veritable fountain of knowledge and earth keeper, walking his talk, and providing visitors with a taste of how healing nature can be. From Michael's information, such sites as Earth Policy Institute gives short articles on economy and sustainability and Alternative Energy Institute offers more information on energy alternatives.

I'll have to do some more research on this and related topics for the future.

What's Up At The Pumps?

I was just reviewing some of my previous posts.
September 1 - when everyone was freaking because of gas prices...

Well, yesterday i filled up at $2.55 again. Prices are back to the same place they were before the hurricane. However, i must admit, that there seems to still be some sort of shortage. When is the country/world going to wake up to the fact that oil is a limited commodity, just like the rest of the natural resources? Really, even magicians and alchemists haven't been able to transmute energy into gold...or oil. And, even if they could, i bet they wouldn't.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Diamonds at the Baseball Field

Here's another true story about what happened to me last year at one of my son's baseball games.

I was at one of Max's baseball games. We were sitting on the bleachers cheering for the team. One of the moms was clapping and all of the sudden, she said, "oh no!" She had clapped and two of the diamonds out of her ring fell out into the sandy space under and around the bleachers. Everyone started to look for the little diamonds.

I found one almost immediately, and gave it to her. What a rush! She had to leave to go to synagogue, since they were saying special prayers for her father, who had recently passed on.
I could not stop myself from looking for the other diamond. There were lots of shiny stones on the ground, in the sand. I knew the other diamond fell shiny side down, with the pointy side up, so I just kept looking. About 45 minutes later, finally, I prayed, that I wanted to find the other diamond for her, but I needed help. Right after that, I looked down and reached down and picked up the other diamond. A "mini" miracle! I gave the diamond to another mom who then delivered it to the owner. What a high I had that day!

Later, the moms and I discussed it. She told me that she was praying that it would be found and I told her that I was praying for help to find it. We discussed a little about how prayer worked, and how wonderful it was that we were praying for the same thing. She asked me if she could buy me lunch or dinner or something, but I told her the story was the best reward I could ever have.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

To Perceive and Achieve

In reality, there are many ways to perceive situations. In the past, it has been my routine to look at people and see the goodness in them, or as some would have it, the essence of the divine.

Now, there is a particular enigmatic style to this that portrays me as someone who has always looked at the bright side of things, looking through rose colored glasses, giving the benefit of the doubt and most recently, playing devil's advocate. Mostly to my detriment. Most people are good and well-meaning, albeit short sighted. Some, however, are not out there to help humanity or improve society, but are here only serving themselves. They too contain the essence of the divine. They provide opportunities to learn and lessons for the rest of us. Enough, already.

The rose glasses have been replaced by some that are more realistic - perhaps pink. and as they say, hindsight is 20/20. Hence, my perception of people, things, and situations is changing, and hopefully my ability to achieve will shift as well.

Some general observations today:

1. What appears to be, isn't necessarily what is. Said another way, "nothing is as it appears to be"

Everything shifts with perception and awareness. Being aware shows different sides of a situation. Objectivity arises, and sometimes one has the opportunity to see different levels of meaning and be-ing, and more choices or potential lines of action. Another axiom that goes well with this is, "if in doubt, ask". If you ask another for their perception, you will undoubtedly find that another aspect of the situation is illuminated. That's not to say that their perception or awareness is any better or worse, just different.

2. Be aware of what you can perceive. If you have had times when you have achieved what you can perceive, you may have an idea of what i am alluding to. For example: if you can perceive energy moving, be aware of where it goes and how you are affected/effected by it. Perceive if it is your energy and discern whether or not you want to play in that game. I have had the opportunity to perceive many different states of be-ing, and the gift to be able to achieve some of them. . . not an idle game without ramifications and responsibilities.

3. As the Dali Lama says, "know the rules, so you know how to break them properly".

There is a great sense of perception in this which would be the ability to know when to bend rather than break the rules.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Ode to Billy

Since i am in a place where i need to do some innerwork, i need to start at the beginning of my first recollection of my personal relationships and my relationship with the divine. My intention is to use witness consciousness as i write this, to free myself from the emotional undertone that this story carries for me.

Billy and i were best friends. He was about my age and my next door neighbor, too. I knew him since we were babies, and my first remembrance of him was when we were about four. We pretty much played together everyday, and one day i asked him if he would marry me. He looked at me and asked me, "do you love me?". I looked back, and answered, "it's not about love". He looked a little confused and said, "what is it about?" "It's about doing whatever God wants me to do.", i answered. "oh", said Billy. Then, a few minutes later, he looked at me and said, "How do you know God wants me to do the same thing?" I was amazed and didn't have an answer. A few days later, Billy and i were playing again. He had changed. We looked at each other and i knew he knew something, but couldn't talk about it. A few months later, Billy ended up in the hospital with a brain tumor. I had wanted to go to the hospital and bring him a turtle for company, but my parents said i was too young. Not long after that, Billy died.

Billy, i don't know whether to thank you or not for remembering that there is a "divine", or to thank you for showing me that the divine has different plans for everyone. In a way, our four-year-old minds weren't so full of everyone else's thoughts and we were still able to speak from an authentic place with each other. Thank you for being a true and honest friend. There's been more than one time when i've wished you were still around. i guess part of my path since you left was having to learn about what love can be...the beauty and bliss and the pain and loss.

Inquiry into Authenticity

Recently, i have been looking at a thread from my level 2 ipsalu group, and wondering about the authenticity of one of those messages. there is the urge to reply, but i want to use this space to muse about it first. why? because i feel like my sharp tongue, which i don't seem to use very often, wants to come out and play. like Kali.

the issue of authenticity is up for me today. my authentic self/selves, and my apparent need to point out my opinion that someone is not being authentic. that certainly brings up the question of judgment. mmmm.

so, to focus back upon myself and my own authenticity. it seems like there is a deepening taking place, and this is just a point of departure. in order to know myself on this deeper level, i am looking at and questioning another's authenticity instead of my own. how interesting.

the authenticity in question must then be brought unto myself. whether or not i would be acting in a new way by voicing my view - and how - and would that be authentic for me. yes. i believe that may be the crux of the situation at this moment. in my past, it has been my way to keep quiet. now, in order to be more true to myself, i must find words and express myself. the depth of the authenticity, for me, therefore, lays in the way the words are chosen and then portrayed to the recipient(s). Some words seem to delve deeper into the multiplicity of layers of the psyche, understanding and language than others. There seems to be such a subtle way of communication in person...and finding words to offer via writing is new to me.

i don't know if a thesaurus is going to help in this case...but i feel like i've found my answer. it is in my most authentic interest to enter into the thread and share my experience.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Players In The Game

My life is changing.
it feels uncomfortable sometimes.

I have to remember to be grateful that when things happen to end certain situations, as new ones can take the place of the old ones. Reminder to self. . . Learn from your past experiences, use discernment when choosing what experiences you choose to indulge in!

Here is a theory:
Our life is like a game. We are game pieces on a board or boards. The boards are mini theatres, with themes. There are multiple boards to play on, each with it's own matrix of pieces. Most pieces get to play on multiple boards, and some pieces play on many boards. One object is to reach a place where you can see of your pieces on all of the boards on which you are playing. After that, you might have the option of joining another game, while still playing the old game. The games are not necessarily fair. Sometimes the rules, boards and players change without notice. There are no winners and losers. The object of the games is subjective.

Blogging has opened up another dimension of play for me. I want to thank Ben Mack for helping open this door. Ben, thanks for transcribing a story which is a mirror of my own experience.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


My friend, Joanna, sent me this poem by Rumi. Thanks, Joanna for being so timely~

A dragon was pulling a bear into its terrible mouth.

A courageous man went and rescued the bear.
There are such helpers in the world,
who rush to save
anyone who cries out. Like Mercy itself,
they run toward the screaming.

And they can't be bought off.
If you were to ask one of those, "Why did you come
so quickly?" He or she would say, "Because I heard
your helplessness." . . .

Crying out loud and weeping are great resources.
A nursing mother, all she does
is wait to hear her child.

Just a little beginning-whimper,
and she's there.

God created the child, that is, your wanting,
so that it might cry out, so that milk might come.

Cry out! Don't be stolid and silent
with your pain. Lament! And let the milk
of Loving flow into you.

-- Jelaluddin Rumi in Mathnawi II translated by Coleman Barks

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Question Reality

I just saw a great bumpersticker: Question Reality.

Sometimes, i just can't stomach the reality that i'm being shown, shoved into, or forced to examine. I've learned that if i resist, it persists. Hopefully i'll get faster at moving through the pieces that seem distasteful.

Sometimes, reality can be funny. Take a different look at the distasteful, and sometimes it turns into an absurdity. Thank you WMCC News for pointing out absurdities in reality.

There have been times recently, when i haven't liked the reality that i have been perceiving. It seems that sometimes Be-ing isn't enough for Happiness. That's when i have to consider Do-ing, and what constitutes Right Action. For example, i haven't been satisfied with my income. I have really balked at interviewing and working for someone else. It didn't fit into my old view of what would make me happy, which was staying at home with the kids. Well, the kids are at school, and we don't have enough money, so going for a job interview seemed like a great thing to do. Boy, did that ever bring up some uncomfortable feelings! Where did that fit into my reality? Perhaps this particular Do-ing was causing discomfort in the short term in hopes of a long-term gain. It certainly helped me get rid of some old thought patterns and belief systems that we holding me back from attaining some long-term financial goals.

Coming to the realization that it was okay to feel anything that was coming up helped me get through the interview. My reality will change if i get the job. My kids' reality will change, too.
If we don't like that reality, maybe we'll feel free enough to discuss it and try another one.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

In Remembrance - 9/11

In remembrance for all of those effected and affected by 9/11...
And for those who continued to be effected and affected by 9/11...

May you find a moment of peace.

Friday, September 09, 2005

The Science of Government

This is not an original post. I cut and pasted it from another blog. There was a humor in this, and it felt good to laugh. i want to keep this handy in case i start feeling too serious about everything that is really, really serious.

A New Heavy Element

A major research institution has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science.The new element has been named "Governmentium." Governmentium has one neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 224 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of particles called peons.

Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact.

A minute amount of Governmentium causes one reaction to take over four days to complete, when it would normally take less than a second.

Governmentium has a normal half-life of 4 years; it does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places.

In fact, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes.

This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration.

This hypothetical quantity is referred to as "Critical Morass." When catalyzed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium--an element which radiates just as much energy as the Governmentium since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Enlightenment and Diksha

Last night, i went with a couple of my friends to see Freddie & Madeline (, here in Atlanta for the first time. They are a couple who are traveling the world to give talks about their path to enlightenment and to give diksha, which is an energy transference.

As i sat there in the audience, i felt a disagreement with the seemingly superficial way Freddie explained and expressed their enlightenment process. Their experience of enlightenment was notated down to a day and time. There was a sense that there was a difficulty in discerning between a peak experience and enlightenment. However, as the talk progressed, i reviewed my inner critic, and decided that everyone was entitled to have their own experience and that perhaps i was being more than a little harsh in judging theirs.

My own vision of enlightenment as a process doesn't stop with some peak experience. It continues and grows with each experience, peak or valley. It is not some magical portal, but rather an awareness of what is possible. However, i know that there have been instances which people reach a state they term enlightenment in one moment. In all due respect, Freddie & Madeline are definitely on a very nice path of enlightenment. They travel the world, feeling good, and giving permission to others to feel good, too. I needed some of that yesterday, and it worked!

It was explained that the Diksha they were giving us were like seeds. They would grow and blossom in each person differently. Given to each individual in the session, with a reiki-type laying of hands on the crown of the head and then again as an intention. During the next few days while they are in Atlanta, people have the opportunity to receive more Dikshas. I was impressed that they were offering this gift at a most reasonable price, compared to so many other new-age, self-proclaimed gurus. If i didn't have my kids in tow all weekend, i would consider spending the day with them.

It's seems so easy to reach a state of nirvana when one is blessed with the opportunity to sit and contemplate all day, every day. What can really go wrong in that? The trick for me, is how to achieve a state of peace while going about my daily round. Two kids, a business which isn't showing any profit at the moment, and other types of interrelatedness with others that form friction.

I did recognize the impact of the Diksha that i received. It has helped in some way that is virtually indefinable. I feel less prone to pain. Over the past few days, after spending a day with my old lover and his ex wife, i have been feeling a lot of pain. Physical, emotional and etheric. I was open to having that Diksha, or energy transfer, to help me find more peace and detachment. We'll see how it goes today.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Sacred Marriage

During the last three days, which covered shamanic astrology's relationship work, the weekend culminated in the subject of sacred marriage. From an shamanic astrological standpoint, our souls come into the body with intentions. From the house placement of the planets, nodes and using the axis there is the possibility to ascertain what some of those intentions are, using archetypal imagery.

The subject of relationship is always timely. Relationship with self, the divine, and others. The topic of sacred marriage is not about finding your "soul mate". It is about finding the divine within, and finding the beloved. Sufi practices talk about the same thing, but in a different way.

From a Shamanic Astrology standpoint, the object is to understand yourself and have compassion for your human-ness. There are points in the astrological process where it really helps to be aware of and in tune with the celestial bodies. There are certain placements of mars for women or Venus for men, when and if Saturn and or Pluto form conjunctions, the soul's purpose is to form Sacred Marriage. Sometimes, this is done through experiences that are difficult for the individual, but ultimately forces one to do the Sacred Marriage work.

For females, working with the archetypes for the mars position and the descendant provides a way form a vision of the sacred inner male. The archetype for the male is the Venus position and the descendant for the sacred inner female. Then, add what you want. This type of visualization is a process after understanding the archetypes and lineages of your own process. Basically, understanding yourself. The inner marriage will alleviate projecting positive and/or negative attributes that don't really belong to others, as well.

There is the possibility, too, of partnering on the exterior with someone who negates the object of the inner marriage. From a shamanic standpoint, there is the possibility of doing the sacred inner marriage, and then the universe sends a "test" to see if you really want it or are ready for it! So, there is a warning to be very observant as to who comes into your sphere of relationship possibilities after working on this project to see if the lesson(s) is really learned.

The beauty of sacred inner marriage is that the vision of the inner beloved becomes an inner ally. There is an inner friend at all times to give advice and be our champion. Trusting the inner partner and following the guidance offered will ultimately help assist in moving through life and assisting the soul's purposes. There is no need to find an expression on the exterior. However, once the inner marriage process is undertaken and supported by the individual, we can ask for whatever we really want or need in our life journey.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Duality and Paradigm

Yesterday, i was working on letting go, questioning what was taking place, and the paradigm i working with. In a previous post, i put forth the paradigms of victim/perpetrator/hero and love/lover/beloved. As i entered a meditative state, my query was "what is another paradigm to fit in with the other two". At that time, i tried to empty my mind, and what i recalled was that 'from the void, or the emptiness simultaneously comes creation and chaos.

From my perspective, we then create a paradigm from which duality emanates. Looking at the paradigms in the form of triangles, and putting the triangles together to form a type of 3-D effectual model is another way for me to look at it. As we look at that model, i am aware that there may be other types of paradigms we can add to that model to create another form. As i move through my moments of the day, there is the opportunity to "roll the paradigm ball" to see what model i'm playing with. Each paradigm would serve a purpose in that moment. However, i would like to see where i could find more paradigms not based upon the concepts of duality. This would be stemming from someplace beyond the limiting perception that we are stuck in a form which can only learn from moving through this plane of duality.


Saturday, September 03, 2005

Creating Alternative Realities/New Moon Meditation

As the weekend begins, it is a week since the Hurricane arrived on the Gulf. Today also marks the New Moon at 2:45 p.m. EDT. The time just before the new moon is used to discard anything that is not serving us at this time. During the New Moon, we plant seeds of intention to bring to fruition during the next moon cycle.

Since i am hostessing Daniel's Shamanic Astrology three-day weekend, i am currently aware and attuned the the prospects of what the celestial timing means to me and the questions i have been asking. discarding what no longer serves, and asking the universe for the opportunity for new beginnings, without judgment.

On a very basic level, this can mean throwing out the old stuff in the refridgerator and going to buy new food. On a personal level, i find myself in an 'empty' place, where many of my agreements have been fulfilled and i am waiting for the universe to engage me in another 'storyline'. So, for today, i will enjoy the company people who are intelligent with cutting edge ideology and perspective.

There have been e-mails distributed with prayers for the world, and that the angelic realm would like us to listen closely today. Skeptic or not, it really does behoove me to quiet myself and listen. There is also a silent meditation retreat going on in upstate New York, i will try to attune into that for support as well.

As within so without. As above, so below.
Know thyself.
Everything in moderation, including moderation.

I would like to be open to hearing what the universe says about creating a new paradigm. i wrote about the victim/perpetrator/hero and love/lover/beloved in another essay. Today, i would like to see something else. i would like to see how i can help humanity reach another level of 'beingness'. the universe needs 'players'. i have volunteered to help. i would love to see humanity continue to evolve. Everything is connected. it is most probable that man is the newest organism on the planet and as slow learners, we can ask for another chance to grow and be closer to our ideal. This may mean receiving suggestions on how to help people through disasters, it may mean creating new communities, and it may be both of those things and more.

the seeds of new beginnings can create an opportunity for me to open up to hearing, learning and experiencing the different possibilities that arise out of my actions or indeed, inaction. J. Krishnamurti wrote an interesting book, Freedom From The Known, which i will keep in mind.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Media, Censorship and Hysteria

Over the last two days, the media has certainly done an important task by featuring the devastation of the hurricane and the aftermath. Many people are suffering. Some are the victims of nature and others are the victims of other human beings, who are looting. i wonder what the impact of the media would have been had it given the same amount of time and coverage to prepare people for the hurricane. Is it a function of censorship or sales or something else that directs pre-coverage of potentially devastating natural disasters?

When i asked one of my sons why he thought people didn't leave when they knew the hurricane was coming, his response was that they didn't think it would be that bad. What if the media had shown what has happened in the past to visually show and remind people of the power of nature?

Recently, i was asked to read and post on another blog regarding thoughts on disasters. Perhaps my level of discernment was on the side of imprudent. i posted an essay that someone else had written, as a reflection of my own sentiments, instead of putting something in my own words. It was deleted by the blog master. My feelings were mixed about that reaction and response to my post. my reaction and response was to feel frustration and a certain sense of loss of freedom of speech. Then there was a sense of disappointment with our electronic exchanges that invariably has led me to examine other facets of our relationship. It brings me to the realization of the limitations of communication in every form.

Another example of this type of limitation of communication, especially through the use of media was observed by me yesterday. The price of oil has risen again. The media, whether it was a hoax or not, was used to promote hysteria here in Atlanta. Two days ago, my dad called me and said, "gas prices are going up, go fill your tank up." So i went and paid $2.55 per gallon. Yesterday, gas prices rose to $2.99, and people bought into the thought "we're going to run out of gas". It became a self-fulfilling prophesy. In a move of what i would term "structured hysteria", people were lining up at the gas stations, their cars spilling out into the roads creating traffic jams, until many of the stations were out of gas. The lines were still creating traffic problems well past 8 p.m. last night. Is this behavior a product of misuse of media or the lemming effect? Would censorship have curtailed this type of reaction and response? In light of the whole scenario, it gives me a great deal to ponder... or now that i've written it down, perhaps just move on.